Westernport. A Bay on the brink
April 2014
Victorian National Parks Association is running its second Westernport focused seminar in Hastings on Tuesday evening 15th April.
Entitled ‘Westernport: A Bay on the brink’, the free seminar will focus on the potential impacts that port expansion could have on the internationally significant ecosystem of Westernport, its seagrass, salt marsh and mangrove communities and the species that rely on them.
Details are at: http://vnpa.org.au/page/bushwalking-and-activities/events/seminar-_-westernport:-a-bay-on-the-brink
VNPA’s first Westernport seminar on valuing a natural Westernport Bay was held at Somers Yacht Club on 4th March and was a great success. Keynote speaker was Professor Robert Costanza, a world leading expert in ecological economics, and now Chair of Crawford School of Public Policy at ANU.
Elephant fish Westernport ©VNPA
Professor Costanza’s outstanding presentation can be downloaded from the VNPA website at: http://vnpa.workingphotostemp.com/?c=398&k=75320c1d4c
We hope to see you at Hastings on 15th April for another informative and enjoyable evening where you will be able to hear another point of view from that being put by the Port of Hastings Development Authority.
Many thanks to VNPA for organising these events.
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