Stairway to where?
November 2014
More works to try to beat back the waves at Portsea.
There is no beach either side of the pier now, as works are underway armouring the last section of natural beach west of the pier with rocks, as it had been eroding swiftly towards the public park and toilet block behind it.
We understand there will also be an elevated walkway built above the rock wall.
Works underway west of Portsea pier. 16th November 2014
To the east of the pier, where there is sometimes a tiny scrape of sand at low tide backed by massive sandbags and fronted by massive bluestone boulders in the water, a ramshackle wooden access ramp was built a few weeks back. It disappeared within days to be replaced with an industrial steel walkway to the non-existent beach. It is slippery when wet, which happens whenever a wave breaks, so we wonder what the public liability arrangements are for being injured or swamped by waves whilst using this hazardous contraption. Not to mention what the whole sad exercise has cost us taxpayers.
Prepare for a drenching. Steel ramp east of Portsea pier. Calm day. 16th November 2014
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